Editorial Complaints Policy

Last updated: 18-7-2023

Factory Vape is committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism and ensuring that our content is accurate, fair, and unbiased. We value the feedback and trust of our readers, and we take any complaints or concerns regarding our editorial content seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process for submitting and addressing complaints related to our published articles.

Submitting a Complaint:

If you believe that an article published on Factory Vape contains factual errors, misleading information, or breaches our editorial guidelines, we encourage you to submit a complaint by following the steps below:

  1. Identify the Article: Provide the title, publication date, and URL of the article in question. This will help us locate and address the specific content accurately.
  2. Describe the Complaint: Clearly explain the nature of your complaint, including the specific information that you believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of our editorial guidelines. Provide any supporting evidence or references that can assist in our review process.
  3. Contact Information: Include your name, email address, and any other relevant contact details. We may need to reach out to you for further clarification or updates regarding your complaint.

Submitting a complaint does not guarantee a particular outcome, but we will thoroughly review each complaint and take appropriate action based on our findings.

Review and Response:

Once we receive your complaint, our editorial team will conduct a thorough review of the article in question. We will assess the validity of the complaint, consult relevant sources and references, and evaluate the article’s compliance with our editorial guidelines and journalistic standards.

Within a reasonable timeframe, we will provide a written response to your complaint. Our response will include:

  1. Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and confirm that it is being reviewed.
  2. Investigation Findings: We will provide a summary of our investigation, including whether we found any errors, inaccuracies, or violations of our editorial guidelines. If necessary, we will detail any corrective actions taken.
  3. Resolution: Based on the outcome of our investigation, we will outline the steps taken or planned to address the issue and prevent similar occurrences in the future.
  4. Feedback and Apology: We appreciate your feedback and will address any concerns you raised in your complaint. If we determine that errors or inaccuracies were made, we will offer our sincere apologies and express our commitment to rectifying the situation.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We treat all complaints and the personal information associated with them with the utmost confidentiality and respect for privacy. Your personal information will only be used for the purpose of investigating and responding to your complaint.

Escalating a Complaint:

If you are not satisfied with the initial response to your complaint, you have the option to request a further review. In such cases, please provide a detailed explanation of your dissatisfaction, and our editorial team will conduct an additional review to address your concerns.

Contact Us:

To submit a complaint or discuss any concerns related to our editorial content, please contact us at [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback and are committed to upholding the highest editorial standards at Factory Vape.

Thank you for your trust and support.

The Factory Vape Editorial Team